Sac A Main Poker

Posted: Nov 02, 2019 12:01 AM
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DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for incorrect information on bonuses, offers and promotions Sac A Main Poker on this website. We always recommend that the player examines the conditions and double-check the bonus directly on the casino companies website. Good series of posts Sean. Def still relevant at low to mid stakes live play. One place I’d disagree. Provided players are getting the right pot-to-stack odds (at least 10 to 1), pocket pairs should be played by beginners over the many of the “top 15” hands listed. Planning poker, also called Scrum poker, is a consensus-based, gamified technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of development goals in software development. In planning poker, members of the group make estimates by playing numbered cards face-down to the table, instead of speaking them aloud.

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I was going to write part two of why California is burning. But that takes a back seat to impeachment and the latest economic news.

So I'll shorten the 'why California is burning' story. California is burning and blacked out because of insane liberal policies. First and foremost, as I pointed out in my last column, hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted over the past 20 years paying for the costs of illegal immigration instead of upgrading and modernizing the California electric grid. The chickens have come home to roost.

The secondary cause for California's nightmare involves environmental policies that won't allow brush clearing or cutting down dead trees. The third cause is climate change mandates that force utility companies to waste billions of dollars annually on green energy.

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So California consumers get the highest energy bills in the nation, the highest taxes in the nation and blackouts when the wind blows. Congratulations.

I could solve California's problems quickly. Clean the brush and redirect all those billions of dollars to upgrading and modernizing your electrical grid. Simple.

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Now, on to the two most important stories in America: impeachment and the economy. Both play right into President Donald Trump's hands. Both will lead to a landslide victory for Trump's reelection.

First, impeachment. The game is on. The House voted along partisan lines to open the impeachment inquiry. And Democrats marched in lockstep, like sheep off a cliff.

A New York Times/Siena College battlegrounds poll released last week found that the majority of voters in every important swing state oppose impeachment -- including many independent voters.

No big deal, unless Democrats have any interest in winning Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona.

I've seen a half-dozen other polls with the same results. This impeachment witch hunt is the biggest mistake ever made by Democrats.

Now to the economy. More great news on Friday.

The Trump economy added 128,000 jobs in October. That number blew away the economists' estimate of 75,000. This was despite a massive General Motors strike. Take that away, and the number would have been in the neighborhood of 200,000 new jobs.

More importantly, the August and September jobs reports were revised dramatically higher -- which means the economy is much stronger than initially reported. September numbers were revised upward by 44,000 jobs. August was revised upward by 51,000 jobs. That brought the three-month average up to 176,000 new jobs per month.

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The overall unemployment rate of 3.6% remained at or near historic lows. The number of Americans employed jumped to 158.5 million, an all-time high.

And average hourly wages went up, too -- a year-over-year gain of 3%. Everyone is working, and everyone's salary is going up.

To date, Trump has added more than 6.5 million new jobs, while Barack Obama had lost 2.3 million jobs at the same time in his presidency, according to the Gateway Pundit.

That's why impeachment is linked to Trump's economy. What can Democrats say in the face of these great economic numbers? They've got nothing. If I were a Democratic leader, I'd talk impeachment, too. It's their only card to play.

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So, anyone want to play poker? I'll put the Trump economy up against the Democrats' impeachment inquiry all day long. I'll take the Trump economy and raise you 350 electoral votes. If I were you, I'd fold quickly -- before you get hurt.

Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, best-selling author, nationally syndicated talk show host on USA Radio Network and the host of 'The Wayne Allyn Root Show' on Newsmax TV nightly at 8 p.m. ET.