Esu Sound Slots


Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to more H0 N XL L M4 Article numbers 76471, 76871, 76571, 76371. Is a legal agreement between you and ESU, LLC ('ESU. ESU Lokprogrammer - page 38-39. To facilitate this, import the suitable shift sound into slot 14. Set slot 14 as automatic sound in the menu of the. Sound – even voice or music is no problem for our decoders. With the LokProgrammer’s aid you use the entire flexibility and functionality offered by LokSound decoders. By the same token, all other ESU decoders profit from the LokProgrammer’s versatility; no matter if DCC, Multiprotocol - or mfx decoder.

Esu Sound Slots
Try this method for DCC systems that cannot program CVs higher than 255:
Set CV96 to the hundreds digit of the CV number that you are programming - The range is 0-9.
Set CV97 to the units and tens digits of the CV number that you are programming - The range is 0-99.
Set CV99 to the desired value of the CV that you are programming - The range is 0-255.
We want to set CV257 to a value of 6.
Set CV96 to 2 for the '200' range.
Set CV97 to 57 for the tens digit '5' and the units digit '7'.
Set CV99 to the value for CV257 of 6.
The volume CVs in any LokSound Select sound decoder are higher than 255. This is before and after Full Throttle was implemented. It sounds like you've been given volume CVs for Tsunami decoders.
From what I am seeing Atlas has not produced a GP40-2 with LokSound so if this locomotive does in fact have a LokSound decoder, it was installed by someone.
Without knowing what sound file they used on the decoder it will be hard to know what all of the volumes are but these should be close:
The master volume control is CV63 and has a range of 0-192. Before you can change any individual sound volumes in an ESU decoder you MUST set CV32=1 FIRST! Very important step. This is an index CV and if not set correctly will possibly make changes that you don't want.
The ESU Volume Control CVs are as follows. The range for all is 0-128:
CV259 = Prime Mover
CV275 = Horn
CV283 = Bell
CV291 = Coupler
CV299 = Dynamic Brake
CV307 = Compressor (note that this CV controls the compressor sound that is activated by a function key. There is another compressor sound that plays automatically as part of the Random Sounds.
CV315 = Radiator Fan
CV339 = Independent Brake (only applicable if your sound file has Full Throttle features)
CV347 = Brake Set/Brake Release
CV355 = Sanding Valve
CV363 = Short Air Let Off
CV387 = Slow Spitter Valve
CV451 = Random Sounds
CV459 = Brake Squeal
Some of these may not line up correctly as the sound volume CVs are dependent on the sound slots and what sound is assigned to each sound slot. The sounds that are assigned to sound slots are dependent on how the sound file was set-up by ESU. If you know the sound file number that is written to your decoder, you can get more accurate CV information.
ESU decoders are the best in my opinion for sound quality, motor control, and the many features they have. The thing that seems to trip people up a lot is expecting a general or generic CV set for every locomotive. This isn't the case with ESU decoders. Each specific sound file has it's own specific settings and programming. The sounds assigned to sound slots can be (and usually is) different per sound file.
The best way to work with ESU decoders is by using the ESU LokProgrammer software. You can use the software without the hardware. Having the hardware is the ultimate in being able to program ESU decoders but isn't necessary. Check out ESU's video on 'Show Changed CVs'. It's the last video on this page:
Of course it would really help to know what sound file is in your locomotive. From there all of the CVs become much easier to program.
Lee Ryan - Rio Grande Fan
Denver, CO
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