Dual-polarized Slot Antenna For Millimeter Waves


Musavand, et al., “A compact UWB slot antenna with reconfigurable band-notched function for multimode applications,” Appl Comp Electromagn Soc J, vol. Ullah, et al., “Coplanar waveguide antenna with defected ground structure for 5G millimeter wave communications,” IEEE MENACOMM'19, Bahrain, 2019. We propose a dual-polarized lens antenna system based on isotropic metasurfaces for 12 GHz applications. The metasurface lens is composed of subwavelength unit cells (0.24 λ 0 ) with metallic strips etched on the top and bottom sides of the unit cell, and a cross-slots metallic layer in the middle that serves as the ground.

Authors:Raed A. Abd-Alhameed, Naser Ojaroudi Parchin, Haleh Jahanbakhsh Basherlou, Peter S. Excell


Dual-polarized slot antenna for millimeter waves chart

In this paper, a multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) antenna design with polarization and radiation pattern diversity is presented for future smartphones. The configuration of the design consists of four double-fed circular-ring antenna elements located at different edges of the printed circuit board (PCB) with an FR-4 substrate and overall dimension of 75×150 mm2. The antenna elements are fed by 50-Ohm microstrip-lines and provide polarization and radiation pattern diversity function due to the orthogonal placement of their feed lines. A good impedance bandwidth (S11 ≤ -10 dB) of 3.4-3.8 GHz has been obtained for the smartphone antenna array. However, for S11 ≤ -6 dB, this value is 3.25-3.95 GHz. More than 3 dB realized gain and 80% total efficiency are achieved for the single-element radiator. The presented design not only provides the required radiation coverage but also generates the polarization diversity characteristic.

Keywords:MIMO Systems, polarization diversity, cellular communications, mobile-phone antenna

Digital Object Identifier (DOI):doi.org/1

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Dual-polarized Slot Antenna For Millimeter Waves Frequency

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