Don Pedro Poker Run

Don Pedro Poker Run
For all of those that were planning to participate this weekend, the location has been moved. The registration/BBQ/party spot has been moved to 'White rock' behind the graveyard area. You can find Graveyard creek on most maps and it will be in the area where the creek hits the lake. Just look for a bunch of houseboats tied together. The houseboat named 'Patriot' is running the show. Big American flag painted on the side of the boat.
For those interested that haven't heard about it here's the details. And there is usually room to shore camp in that area.
REGISTRATION: @ “White Rock” (behind Graveyard) Friday evening to Saturday 11:00am
Start Time: 12:00pm@ “White Rock” (swim step of The Patriot)
End Time: 3:00pm@ “White Rock” on Hill
5:00pm ish Celebration with Winners – BBQ / Chili Cook-Off
** The location of our annual Poker Run has changed due to the low water level. We
have a great new location behind Graveyard. Out through Middle Bay, pass the Rocks,
and wrap around behind Graveyard. You canÂ’t miss us! There is no shade, if anyone
has a pop up shade tent that we can borrower, it would be greatly appreciated. We
would like to put them up late Friday, early Saturday morning. Poker hands are $10.00,
each hand comes with one BBQ ticket. Additional BBQ tickets can be purchased for
$5.00. We have fun new T-Shirts ($15.00) and Tanks (menÂ’s and womenÂ’s $12.00).
Come get them early so you donÂ’t miss out! We will have access to our email
( until Thursday night. If you have any questions,
RunDon Pedro Poker RunDon Pedro Poker Run

Poker run is known as THE event of the year in the heart of Kentucky at Lake Cumberland.This particular Poker Run is ranked as one of the top 10 in the country! Always held the first weekend in September after Labor Day, this event brings people from all over to enjoy fast boats, great food, and live music. Dozens of people attending a family-friendly poker event on a California reservoir last weekend were forced to jump ship after their three-story houseboat capsized. The Tuolumne County Sheriff's.

Don Pedro Poker Run

Mi nombre Pedro Martinez, trabajador del campo donde me expuse a muchos químicos como fertilizadores y venenos que poco a poco fueron afectando mis pulmones, desde febrero me dio una gripe fuerte con mucha tos donde empezó un dolor en el pecho, para el mes marzo a través de varios exámenes fui diagnosticado con fibrosis pulmonar y lamentable te hace días tuve una recaída donde me dio una insuficiencia respiratoria y la falta de oxigenación con dolor muy fuerte en el pecho y esto termino por complicar mi situación donde me queda solo un 50% de mis pulmones, quedando dependiente de oxigeno domiciliario.
Somos de una familia humilde y sin recursos, aunado a la difícil situación económica que se vive en mi país Venezuela, por ello acudo a la buena voluntad y generosidad de quien pueda colaborar y poder tener un concentrador o respirador de oxigeno permanente para tener un poco más de calidad y años de vida.
Agradecemos todo el apoyo que me puedan dar y es muy importante que por favor compartan el link de mi solicitud de donación.
Dios los bendiga a todos....
My name Pedro Martinez, a farm worker where I was exposed to many chemicals such as fertilizers and poisons that little by little were affecting my lungs, since February I had a bad flu with a lot of cough where a pain in my chest began, for the month March to Through several tests I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis and unfortunately days ago I had a relapse where I suffered respiratory failure and lack of oxygenation with very strong pain in the chest and this ended up complicating my situation where I only have 50% of my lungs, remaining dependent on home oxygen.
We are from a humble family and without resources, coupled with the difficult economic situation that exists in my country Venezuela, for that reason I go to the good will and generosity of those who can collaborate and be able to have a permanent oxygen concentrator or respirator to have a little more quality and years of life.
We appreciate all the support you can give me and it is very important that you please share the link of my donation request.
God bless you all....