Casino Regina Canada

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Casino Regina Canada

© TROY FLEECE A long line of people waited in line just before 9:00am as Casino Regina reopened for the first time since closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Regina on Thursday, July 9, 2020.

While many industries have seen customers slowly trickling back, the casinos in Regina and Moose Jaw saw a torrent of guests return on their first day back in business.

Just three hours after opening its doors for the first time since the pandemic had shuttered them, Casino Regina hit maximum capacity.


I was at Casino Regina for the Station Classic Poker. Oct 24, 2020 The gambling room of the Regina Casino impresses by the variety of the games it features. With the most famous Hollywood movies as themes, its over 1,000 slot machines will please every gambler. Blackjack, Baccarat, Single Roulette, Chase the Flush and Three and Four Card Poker are suggested on the 30 gaming tables available.

Casino Regina Show Lounge Calendar

Casino regina canada border

The casino’s doors opened at 9 a.m., but SaskGaming spokesperson Shanna Schulhauser said people had started lining up at the doors before 8:30 a.m. Within 15 minutes of the doors being unlocked, 100 people had already streamed into the building, ready to gamble.

Everyone currently has to enter through the casino’s Central Hall doors, and guests were lined up down the sidewalk.

“The people were actually lined up all the way to the bridge, over to where the employee parking lot is,” said Schaulhauser. “It was quite long.”

Casino Regina Careers

© TROY FLEECE A long line of people waited in line just before 9:00am as Casino Regina reopened for the first time since closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic on July 9, 2020.Casino

By noon, Casino Regina reached its maximum capacity of 250 people — which had been lowered to allow for physical distancing — and it remained at capacity through the afternoon. This meant anyone standing in line at the doors had to wait for another guest to leave before they could enter.

Casino Moose Jaw was no different, with 25 guests through its doors in the first 15 minutes. It reached its lowered capacity of 50 people at 12:30 p.m. and remained full through the afternoon.

Schulhauser said the casinos won’t know the total number of people that came through the casinos until Friday, but was excited to see so many guests return.

“We were sort of expecting it. We didn’t really know how long the lineup might be, but it was great to see so many people out,” she said.

“Clearly there was an appetite from our guests to get back in here and get gaming again.”
